Personal Reflection on Pirate Games "I love pirate games. I'll play just about anything, even vaguely pirate-themed, no matter how crappy it looks because there's just one undeniable fact in this life: pirates are cool. At least the fictionalized version of the pirate is cool. I'm talking about terrorizing the Spanish Main, swashbuckling, drinking Grog, digging up buried treasure, exploring Tropical Islands, and finding SK skins of both the regular and reanimated variety and the sea shanties. Come on, the sea shanties, it's all great. So, it's kind of a shame that there are not a lot of games that try to immerse the player in the pirate fantasy. When I was a kid, I was always on the lookout for a good pirate game. One of my favorites and probably the classic example of the Pirate game was Sid Meier's Pirates. You can't talk about video games with pirates without mentioning that game cuz it's the game that codified a lot of the trope